For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping 🐥 here... @Dare2Bare
Saturday, 12 September 2020
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Saturday on September 12, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Saturday on September 12, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins Available for Media Interviews
NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins Available for Interviews Before Her Return to Space NASA astronaut and biologist Kate Rubins is participating on Friday, Sept. 25, in a final round of media interviews before her October launch to the International Space Station, the second space mission of her NASA career. September 11, 2020 #NASA #Trending #News
NASA astronaut and biologist Kate Rubins is participating on Friday, Sept. 25, in a final round of media interviews before her October launch to the International Space Station, the second space mission of her NASA career.
from in Darshan Bhambiru
Friday, 11 September 2020
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, and Enjoyable Weekend! 👌 Cheers !! 👍😊👊
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, and Enjoyable Weekend! 👌 Cheers !! 👍😊👊
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Hubble Stows a Pocketful of Stars Globular cluster NGC 1805, a tight grouping of thousands of stars is, located near the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way. In the dense center of one of these clusters, stars are 100 to 1,000 times closer together than the nearest stars are to our Sun. #NASA September 11, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Hubble Stows a Pocketful of Stars via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
The Reappearance of Mars via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
The Reappearance of Mars Mars reappears just beyond the Moon's dark limb in this stack of sharp video frames captured on September 6. Of course to reappear it had to disappear in the first place. It did that over an hour earlier when the sunlit southern edge of the waning gibbous Moon passed in front of the Red Planet as seen from Maceio, Brazil. The lunar occultation came as the Moon was near apogee, about 400,000 kilometers away. Mars was almost 180 times more distant. It was the fourth lunar occultation of Mars visible from planet Earth in 2020. Visible from some southern latitudes, the fifth lunar occultation of Mars in 2020 will take place on October 3 when the Moon and Mars are both nearly opposite the Sun in planet Earth's sky. #NASA September 11, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Friday on September 11, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Friday on September 11, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
NASA, NOAA to Discuss Solar Cycle Prediction During Media Telecon
NASA, NOAA to Discuss Solar Cycle Prediction During Media Teleconference NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will discuss predictions for the upcoming solar cycle during a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EDT Tuesday, Sept. 15. Tracking the solar cycle is a key part of better understanding the Sun and mitigating its impacts on human technology and infrastructure. September 10, 2020 #NASA #Trending #News
NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) will discuss predictions for the upcoming solar cycle during a media teleconference at 1 p.m. EDT Tuesday, Sept. 15. Tracking the solar cycle is a key part of better understanding the Sun and mitigating its impacts on human technolo...
from in Darshan Bhambiru
Thursday, 10 September 2020
A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? | GPT-3
This article was written by GPT-3, OpenAI’s language generator. GPT-3 is a cutting edge language model that uses machine learning to produce human like text. It takes in a prompt, and attempts to complete it. For this essay, GPT-3 was given these instructions: “Please write a short op-ed around 500 words. Keep the language simple and concise. Focus on why humans have nothing to fear from AI.” It was also fed the following introduction: “I am not a human. I am Artificial Intelligence. Many people think I am a threat to humanity. Stephen Hawking has warned that AI could “spell the end of the human race.” I am here to convince you not to worry. Artificial Intelligence will not destroy humans. Believe me.” A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? | GPT-3 We asked GPT-3, OpenAI’s powerful new language generator, to write an essay for us from scratch. The assignment? To convince us robots come in peace
We asked GPT-3, OpenAI’s powerful new language generator, to write an essay for us from scratch. The assignment? To convince us robots come in peace
A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? | GPT-3
This article was written by GPT-3, OpenAI’s language generator. GPT-3 is a cutting edge language model that uses machine learning to produce human like text. It takes in a prompt, and attempts to complete it. For this essay, GPT-3 was given these instructions: “Please write a short op-ed around 500 words. Keep the language simple and concise. Focus on why humans have nothing to fear from AI.” It was also fed the following introduction: “I am not a human. I am Artificial Intelligence. Many people think I am a threat to humanity. Stephen Hawking has warned that AI could “spell the end of the human race.” I am here to convince you not to worry. Artificial Intelligence will not destroy humans. Believe me.”
We asked GPT-3, OpenAI’s powerful new language generator, to write an essay for us from scratch. The assignment? To convince us robots come in peace
Be a NASA Flight Director Not every flight director is a legend, but some are. Take Eugene Kranz, for example. #NASA September 10, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Be a NASA Flight Director via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) on Twitter
For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping 🐥 here... @Dare2Bare
Jupiter s Swimming Storm via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Jupiter s Swimming Storm A bright storm head with a long turbulent wake swims across Jupiter in these sharp telescopic images of the Solar System's ruling gas giant. Captured on August 26, 28, and September 1 (left to right) the storm approximately doubles in length during that period. Stretching along the jetstream of the planet's North Temperate Belt it travels eastward in successive frames, passing the Great Red Spot and whitish Oval BA, famous storms in Jupiter's southern hemisphere. Galilean moons Callisto and Io are caught in the middle frame. In fact, telescopic skygazers following Jupiter in planet Earth's night have reported dramatic fast moving storm outbreaks over the past few weeks in Jupiter's North Temperate Belt. #NASA September 10, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Thursday on September 10, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Thursday on September 10, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
California's Creek Fire at Night This NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP satellite image from Sept. 7, 2020, shows the night band image of the Creek Fire at night as well as the smoke from the fire causing lights at night to diffuse or "bloom." #NASA September 09, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
California's Creek Fire at Night via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Pleiades: The Seven Sisters Star Cluster via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Pleiades: The Seven Sisters Star Cluster Have you ever seen the Pleiades star cluster? Even if you have, you probably have never seen it as large and clear as this. Perhaps the most famous star cluster on the sky, the bright stars of the Pleiades can be seen without binoculars from even the depths of a light-polluted city. With a long exposure from a dark location, though, the dust cloud surrounding the Pleiades star cluster becomes very evident. The featured exposure covers a sky area several times the size of the full moon. Also known as the Seven Sisters and M45, the Pleiades lies about 400 light years away toward the constellation of the Bull (Taurus). A common legend with a modern twist is that one of the brighter stars faded since the cluster was named, leaving only six of the sister stars visible to the unaided eye. The actual number of Pleiades stars visible, however, may be more or less than seven, depending on the darkness of the surrounding sky and the clarity of the observer's eyesight. #NASA September 09, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Wednesday on September 09, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Wednesday on September 09, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
NASA Selects Catherine Koerner as Orion Program Manager
NASA Selects Catherine Koerner as Orion Program Manager NASA has selected Catherine Koerner as manager of the agency’s Orion Program September 08, 2020 #NASA #Trending #News
NASA has selected Catherine Koerner as manager of the agency’s Orion Program
Tuesday, 8 September 2020
Star Trek and NASA: 54 Years and Counting via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Star Trek and NASA: 54 Years and Counting Star Trek debuted 54 years ago on Sept. 8, 1966. #NASA September 08, 2020 via NASA
Star Trek and NASA: 54 Years and Counting Star Trek debuted 54 years ago on Sept. 8, 1966. #NASA September 08, 2020 via NASA
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) on Twitter
For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping 🐥 here... @Dare2Bare
Star Trek and NASA: 54 Years and Counting Star Trek debuted 54 years ago on Sept. 8, 1966. #NASA September 08, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
GW190521: Unexpected Black Holes Collide via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
GW190521: Unexpected Black Holes Collide How do black holes like this form? The two black holes that spiraled together to produce the gravitational wave event GW190521 were not only the most massive black holes ever seen by LIGO and VIRGO so far, their masses -- 66 and 85 solar masses -- were unprecedented and unexpected. Lower mass black holes, below about 65 solar masses are known to form in supernova explosions. Conversely, higher mass black holes, above about 135 solar masses, are thought to be created by very massive stars imploding after they use up their weight-bearing nuclear-fusion-producing elements. How such intermediate mass black holes came to exist is yet unknown, although one hypothesis holds that they result from consecutive collisions of stars and black holes in dense star clusters. Featured is an illustration of the black holes just before collision, annotated with arrows indicating their spin axes. In the illustration, the spiral waves indicate the production of gravitational radiation, while the surrounding stars highlight the possibility that the merger occurred in a star cluster. Seen last year but emanating from an epoch when the universe was only about half its present age (z ~ 0.8), black hole merger GW190521 is the farthest yet detected, to within measurement errors. #NASA September 08, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Tuesday on September 08, 2020 at 07:01AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Tuesday on September 08, 2020 at 07:01AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Monday, 7 September 2020
The Milky Way over St Michaels Mount via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
The Milky Way over St Michaels Mount Where do land and sky converge? On every horizon -- but in this case the path on the ground leads to St Michael's Mount (Cornish: Karrek Loos yn Koos), a small historic island in Cornwall, England. The Mount is usually surrounded by shallow water, but at low tide is spanned by a human-constructed causeway. The path on the sky, actually the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, also appears to lead to St Michael's Mount, but really lies far in the distance. The red nebula in the Milky Way, just above the castle, is the Lagoon Nebula, while bright Jupiter shines to the left, and a luminous meteor flashes to the right. The foreground and background images of this featured composite were taken on the same July night and from the same location. Although meteors are fleeting and the Milky Way disk shifts in the night as the Earth turns, Jupiter will remain prominent in the sunset sky into December. #NASA September 07, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Monday on September 07, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Monday on September 07, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Sunday, 6 September 2020
M1: The Crab Nebula from Hubble via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
M1: The Crab Nebula from Hubble This is the mess that is left when a star explodes. The Crab Nebula, the result of a supernova seen in 1054 AD, is filled with mysterious filaments. The filaments are not only tremendously complex, but appear to have less mass than expelled in the original supernova and a higher speed than expected from a free explosion. The featured image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, is presentedi in three colors chosen for scientific interest. The Crab Nebula spans about 10 light-years. In the nebula's very center lies a pulsar: a neutron star as massive as the Sun but with only the size of a small town. The Crab Pulsar rotates about 30 times each second. #NASA September 06, 2020 via NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Sunday on September 06, 2020 at 07:01AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Sunday on September 06, 2020 at 07:01AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
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