Happy INdependence Day! Jai Hind!๐ฎ๐ณ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Saturday, 15 August 2020
Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) | Twitter
For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping ๐ฅ here... @Dare2Bare Saturday
The latest Tweets from Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare). Dare2Bare™ Always!! #BusinessSmith~ #Founder @FineDirsSolnsz #Listener #Consultant #Advisor #Entrepreneur #ImpleMentor #ReSourcer #TroubleShooter #athingaday. Mumbai India
Does the Moon ever block out Mars? Yes, the Moon occasionally moves in front of all of the Solar System's planets. Just this past Sunday, as visible from some locations in South America, a waning gibbous Moon eclipsed Mars. The featured image from Cร³rdoba, Argentina captured this occultation well, showing a familiar cratered Moon in the foreground with the bright planet Mars unusually adjacent. Within a few seconds, Mars then disappeared behind the Moon, only to reappear a few minutes later across the Moon. Today the Moon moves close to, but not in front of, Venus. Because alignments will not have changed by much, the next two times the Moon passes through this part of the sky รข€“ in early September and early October รข€“ it will also occult Mars, as seen from parts of South America. #NASA August 15, 2020 via NASA https://ift.tt/3apukOx

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Saturday on August 15, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Saturday on August 15, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
NASA Awards SRACES Contract
NASA Awards Contract for Strategic Research and Analysis, Communications, Exhibits Services NASA has awarded the Strategic Research and Analysis, Communications, and Exhibits Services (SRACES) contract to Media Fusion LLC of Huntsville, Alabama, to provide comprehensive strategic research and analysis, communications, and exhibits services at the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. August 14, 2020 #NASA #Trending #News https://ift.tt/3axJl0M
NASA has awarded the Strategic Research and Analysis, Communications, and Exhibits Services (SRACES) contract to Media Fusion LLC of Huntsville, Alabama, to provide comprehensive strategic research and analysis, communications, and exhibits services at the agency’s Marshall Space Flight Center in ...
from https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasa.gov%2Fpress-release%2Fnasa-awards-contract-for-strategic-research-and-analysis-communications-exhibits&h=AT2Jx7PDQVbbYzkOEESM2qgvaxobGEz75k9JUOE3sdR1wzhvZ2zIswGcRSytAX1ovjWZhZmzlOFHi5CAvrZVl9RIm365SUEi4irJTP1jg6e05V4UQEbNtyk4bNju5w&s=1 in Darshan Bhambiru
Friday, 14 August 2020
Astronaut Chris Cassidy Does Housekeeping in Space This past weekend, NASA astronaut and Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy was no exception as he collected trash for disposal during weekend housekeeping activities. #NASA August 14, 2020 via NASA https://ift.tt/3fYmWL8

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Astronaut Chris Cassidy Does Housekeeping in Space This past weekend, NASA astronaut and Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy was no exception as he collected trash for disposal during weekend housekeeping activities. #NASA August 14, 2020 via NASA https://ift.tt/3fYmWL8
Astronaut Chris Cassidy Does Housekeeping in Space This past weekend, NASA astronaut and Expedition 63 Commander Chris Cassidy was no exception as he collected trash for disposal during weekend housekeeping activities. #NASA August 14, 2020 via NASA https://ift.tt/3fYmWL8
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, and Enjoyable Weekend! ๐ Cheers !! ๐๐๐ Friday
Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, and Enjoyable Weekend! ๐ Cheers !! ๐๐๐ Friday
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
August 14, 2020 via NASA Why is this nebula so complex? When a star like our Sun is dying, it will cast off its outer layers, usually into a simple overall shape. Sometimes this shape is a sphere, sometimes a double lobe, and sometimes a ring or a helix. In the case of planetary nebula NGC 5189, however, besides an overall "Z" shape (the featured image is flipped horizontally and so appears as an "S"), no such simple structure has emerged. To help find out why, the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope has observed NGC 5189 in great detail. Previous findings indicated the existence of multiple epochs of material outflow, including a recent one that created a bright but distorted torus running horizontally across image center. Hubble results appear consistent with a hypothesis that the dying star is part of a binary star system with a precessing symmetry axis. NGC 5189 spans about three light years and lies about 3,000 light years away toward the southern constellation of the Fly (Musca). #NASA https://ift.tt/324JHrZ

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Friday on August 14, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Friday on August 14, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
NASA TV to Air Departure of Japanese Cargo Ship from Space Station
NASA TV to Air Departure of Japanese Cargo Ship from Space Station August 13, 2020: Eleven years after the launch of the first H-II Transfer cargo vehicle (HTV) to the International Space Station, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA’s) HTV-9 will depart the orbital laboratory Tuesday, Aug. 18, with live coverage beginning at 1:15 p.m. EDT on NASA Television and the agency’s website. #NASA #Trending #News https://ift.tt/31O7agJ
Eleven years after the launch of the first H-II Transfer cargo vehicle (HTV) to the International Space Station, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA’s) HTV-9 will depart the orbital laboratory Tuesday, Aug. 18, with live coverage beginning at 1:15 p.m. EDT on NASA Television and the a...
from https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nasa.gov%2Fpress-release%2Fnasa-tv-to-air-departure-of-japanese-cargo-ship-from-space-station&h=AT2_iHEQzLYYpzN2cf01eVARNenuGT80X_7qbI_ATQH1loNvwe7qLc7dgVu6Czwl4iEo51qywPdWjJkl4-TsCKD0V1i0oA_Ly6EKyUEWN57wDRQpcEWa6H-F6IRmEA&s=1 in Darshan Bhambiru
NASA Begins Installing Orion Adapter for First Artemis Moon Flight August 13, 2020 via NASA Through the Artemis program, NASA is working to land the first woman and the next man on the Moon by 2024. #NASA https://ift.tt/3kGbQ0T
NASA Begins Installing Orion Adapter for First Artemis Moon Flight August 13, 2020 via NASA Through the Artemis program, NASA is working to land the first woman and the next man on the Moon by 2024. #NASA https://ift.tt/3kGbQ0T
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) | Twitter
For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping ๐ฅ here... @Dare2Bare Thursday
The latest Tweets from Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare). Dare2Bare™ Always!! #BusinessSmith~ #Founder @FineDirsSolnsz #Listener #Consultant #Advisor #Entrepreneur #ImpleMentor #ReSourcer #TroubleShooter #athingaday. Mumbai India
August 13, 2020 via NASA Whatร planets are those behind that unusualร rock spire? Saturn (lower left) and Jupiter.ร This month, after sunset, the bright planetary duo are quite prominent toward the southeast.ร Now your view of our Solar System's largest planets might not include a picturesque hoodoo in the foreground, nor the spectacular central band of our Milky Way Galaxy across the background, but should be quite eye-catching anyway.ร The featuredร image is a composite of consecutive foreground and background exposures all taken in late May with the same camera and from the same location -- the badlands of theร Ah-Shi-Sle-Pah Wilderness in the San Juan Basin in New Mexico, USA.ร The rock spire, informally dubbed 'Alien Throne', stands about 3 meters tall. Saturn and Jupiter will remain visible together after sunset for several months. #NASA https://ift.tt/31PNdGr

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Thursday on August 13, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Thursday on August 13, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Candy-Colored Phobos August 12, 2020 via NASA As of March 2020, our Mars Odyssey has captured these six views of the Martian moon Phobos. #NASA https://ift.tt/31K9xRR
Candy-Colored Phobos August 12, 2020 via NASA As of March 2020, our Mars Odyssey has captured these six views of the Martian moon Phobos. #NASA https://ift.tt/31K9xRR
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Candy-Colored Phobos August 12, 2020 via NASA As of March 2020, our Mars Odyssey has captured these six views of the Martian moon Phobos. #NASA https://ift.tt/31K9xRR

Via Darshan Bhambiru
The Shifting Tails of Comet NEOWISE August 12, 2020 via NASA Keep your eye on the ion tail of Comet NEOWISE. A tale of this tail is the trail of the Earth. As with all comets, the blue ion tail always points away from the Sun. But as Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) rounded our Sun, its ion tail pointed in slightly different directions. This is because between 2020 July 17 and July 25 when the featured images were taken, the Earth moved noticeably in its orbit around the Sun. But the Earth's motion made the Sun appear to shift in the sky. So even though you can't see the Sun directly in the featured image(s), the directions of the ion tails reveal this apparent solar shift. The Sun's apparent motion is in the ecliptic, the common plane where all planets orbit. The featured five image composite was meticulously composed to accurately place each comet image -- and the five extrapolated solar positions -- on a single foreground image of Turร³ de l'Home Mountain, north of Barcelona, Spain Comet NEOWISE is no longer the impressive naked-eye object it was last month, but it can still be found with a small telescope as it heads back to the outer Solar System. #NASA https://ift.tt/3gOmhND

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Wednesday on August 12, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Wednesday on August 12, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
This Gas Giant Is Pretty in Pink August 11, 2020 via NASA If humans could travel to this giant planet, we would see a world still glowing from the heat of its formation with a color reminiscent of a dark cherry blossom, a dull magenta. #NASA https://ift.tt/2FhBlpb
This Gas Giant Is Pretty in Pink August 11, 2020 via NASA If humans could travel to this giant planet, we would see a world still glowing from the heat of its formation with a color reminiscent of a dark cherry blossom, a dull magenta. #NASA https://ift.tt/2FhBlpb
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
This Gas Giant Is Pretty in Pink August 11, 2020 via NASA If humans could travel to this giant planet, we would see a world still glowing from the heat of its formation with a color reminiscent of a dark cherry blossom, a dull magenta. #NASA https://ift.tt/2FhBlpb

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) | Twitter
For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping ๐ฅ here... @Dare2Bare Tuesday
The latest Tweets from Darshan K Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare). Dare2Bare™ Always!! #BusinessSmith~ #Founder @FineDirsSolnsz #Listener #Consultant #Advisor #Entrepreneur #ImpleMentor #ReSourcer #TroubleShooter #athingaday. Mumbai India
Churning Clouds on Jupiter August 11, 2020 via NASA Where is Jupiter's ammonia? Gaseous ammonia was expected to be seen in Jupiter's upper atmosphere by the orbiting Juno spacecraft -- but in many clouds is almost absent. Recent Juno data, however, gives some clues: some high-level clouds appear to be home to an unexpected type of electrical discharge dubbed shallow lightning. Great charge separations are needed for lightning, which might be created by colliding mushballs lifted by rising updrafts of gas. Ammonia and water stick to these mushballs which rise until they get too heavy -- after which they fall deep into Jupiter's atmosphere and melt. By this process, ammonia found missing from Jupiter's upper atmosphere reappears below. Pictured by Juno, churning clouds on Jupiter show not only mesmerizing complexity but some high-level, light-colored pop-up clouds. Understanding atmospheric dynamics on Jupiter gives valuable perspective to similar atmospheric and lightning phenomena that occur on our home Earth. #NASA https://ift.tt/3gM6grb

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Tuesday on August 11, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Tuesday on August 11, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Monday, 10 August 2020
One Rehearsal Away from Touching Asteroid Bennu August 10, 2020 via NASA NASA's OSIRIS-REx is ready for touchdown on asteroid Bennu. #NASA https://ift.tt/31DSWyN

Via Darshan Bhambiru
One Rehearsal Away from Touching Asteroid Bennu August 10, 2020 via NASA NASA's OSIRIS-REx is ready for touchdown on asteroid Bennu. #NASA https://ift.tt/31DSWyN
One Rehearsal Away from Touching Asteroid Bennu August 10, 2020 via NASA NASA's OSIRIS-REx is ready for touchdown on asteroid Bennu. #NASA https://ift.tt/31DSWyN
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Perseids from Perseus August 10, 2020 via NASA Where are all these meteors coming from? In terms of direction on the sky, the pointed answer is the constellation of Perseus. That is why the meteor shower that peaks tomorrow night is known as the Perseids -- the meteors all appear to came from a radiant toward Perseus. In terms of parent body, though, the sand-sized debris that makes up the Perseids meteors come from Comet Swift-Tuttle. The comet follows a well-defined orbit around our Sun, and the part of the orbit that approaches Earth is superposed in front of the Perseus. Therefore, when Earth crosses this orbit, the radiant point of falling debris appears in Perseus. Featured here, a composite image taken over eight nights and containing over 400 meteors from last August's Perseids meteor shower shows many bright meteors that streaked over Kolonica Observatory in Slovakia. This year's Perseids holds promise to be one of the best meteor showers of the year. #NASA https://ift.tt/3fJkt78

Via Darshan Bhambiru
Perseids from Perseus August 10, 2020 via NASA Where are all these meteors coming from? In terms of direction on the sky, the pointed answer is the constellation of Perseus. That is why the meteor shower that peaks tomorrow night is known as the Perseids -- the meteors all appear to came from a radiant toward Perseus. In terms of parent body, though, the sand-sized debris that makes up the Perseids meteors come from Comet Swift-Tuttle. The comet follows a well-defined orbit around our Sun, and the part of the orbit that approaches Earth is superposed in front of the Perseus. Therefore, when Earth crosses this orbit, the radiant point of falling debris appears in Perseus. Featured here, a composite image taken over eight nights and containing over 400 meteors from last August's Perseids meteor shower shows many bright meteors that streaked over Kolonica Observatory in Slovakia. This year's Perseids holds promise to be one of the best meteor showers of the year. #NASA https://ift.tt/3fJkt78
Perseids from Perseus August 10, 2020 via NASA Where are all these meteors coming from? In terms of direction on the sky, the pointed answer is the constellation of Perseus. That is why the meteor shower that peaks tomorrow night is known as the Perseids -- the meteors all appear to came from a radiant toward Perseus. In terms of parent body, though, the sand-sized debris that makes up the Perseids meteors come from Comet Swift-Tuttle. The comet follows a well-defined orbit around our Sun, and the part of the orbit that approaches Earth is superposed in front of the Perseus. Therefore, when Earth crosses this orbit, the radiant point of falling debris appears in Perseus. Featured here, a composite image taken over eight nights and containing over 400 meteors from last August's Perseids meteor shower shows many bright meteors that streaked over Kolonica Observatory in Slovakia. This year's Perseids holds promise to be one of the best meteor showers of the year. #NASA https://ift.tt/3fJkt78
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Monday on August 10, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Monday on August 10, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Sunday, 9 August 2020
The Origin of Elements August 09, 2020 via NASA The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang. There are no other appreciable sources of hydrogen in the universe. The carbon in your body was made by nuclear fusion in the interior of stars, as was the oxygen. Much of the iron in your body was made during supernovas of stars that occurred long ago and far away. The gold in your jewelry was likely made from neutron stars during collisions that may have been visible as short-duration gamma-ray bursts or gravitational wave events. Elements like phosphorus and copper are present in our bodies in only small amounts but are essential to the functioning of all known life. The featured periodic table is color coded to indicate humanity's best guess as to the nuclear origin of all known elements. The sites of nuclear creation of some elements, such as copper, are not really well known and are continuing topics of observational and computational research. #NASA https://ift.tt/2DCCwin

Via Darshan Bhambiru
The Origin of Elements August 09, 2020 via NASA The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang. There are no other appreciable sources of hydrogen in the universe. The carbon in your body was made by nuclear fusion in the interior of stars, as was the oxygen. Much of the iron in your body was made during supernovas of stars that occurred long ago and far away. The gold in your jewelry was likely made from neutron stars during collisions that may have been visible as short-duration gamma-ray bursts or gravitational wave events. Elements like phosphorus and copper are present in our bodies in only small amounts but are essential to the functioning of all known life. The featured periodic table is color coded to indicate humanity's best guess as to the nuclear origin of all known elements. The sites of nuclear creation of some elements, such as copper, are not really well known and are continuing topics of observational and computational research. #NASA https://ift.tt/2DCCwin
The Origin of Elements August 09, 2020 via NASA The hydrogen in your body, present in every molecule of water, came from the Big Bang. There are no other appreciable sources of hydrogen in the universe. The carbon in your body was made by nuclear fusion in the interior of stars, as was the oxygen. Much of the iron in your body was made during supernovas of stars that occurred long ago and far away. The gold in your jewelry was likely made from neutron stars during collisions that may have been visible as short-duration gamma-ray bursts or gravitational wave events. Elements like phosphorus and copper are present in our bodies in only small amounts but are essential to the functioning of all known life. The featured periodic table is color coded to indicate humanity's best guess as to the nuclear origin of all known elements. The sites of nuclear creation of some elements, such as copper, are not really well known and are continuing topics of observational and computational research. #NASA https://ift.tt/2DCCwin
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Sunday on August 09, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Another Awesome Day! Good Morning!! It's Sunday on August 09, 2020 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) ๐ต ๐
Darshan Bhambiru
Darshan Bhambiru
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