Saturday, 28 February 2015

GIVE but don’t allow yourself to be USED. LOVE but don’t allow your heart to be ABUSED. TRUST but don’t be NAIVE. LISTEN to others but don’t lose your OWN VOICE. #athingaday

GIVE but don’t allow yourself to be USED. LOVE but don’t allow your heart to be ABUSED. TRUST but don’t be NAIVE. LISTEN to others but don’t lose your OWN VOICE. #athingaday

February 28, 2015 at 06:06PM

The Annual 3 day Family Anniversary Festival, Ends with Rain today!! 25 feb Suresh Neelam 26 feb Self and Betterhalf 27 feb Mom and Dad

February 28, 2015 at 05:25PM via Facebook

RSVP and Block your DATES for FIRST @Therodinhoods (TRHS) Mumbai Open House (OH) of 2015!!

TheRodinhoods Mumbai Open House in March 2015 on The Rodinhoods

TheRodinhoods Open Houses started off as an every Friday evening informal get together of 4-10 entrepreneurs at Alok's g2w office conference room in Mumbai. Gradually the numbers increased and the venue changed. In the spirit of "may a million entrepreneurs bloom"... TheRodinhoods Open Houses extend to different cities including Delhi & Bangalore. This will be our FIRST TRHS Mumbai Open House of 2015!! Details: Venue: NSE - National Stock Exchange Ground Floor, Exchange Plaza Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 +91 22 2659 8100 It's the first corner building right before the curve of Asian Heart Institute hospital, on the opposite side. Pay and park is a few buildings away, ample parking available. Please use rear entry for the auditorium. Pls carry any Photo ID for security purposes at the entrance. THIS IS A FREE EVENT!! Open to all! Everyone is Welcome! There is NO registration. Simply RSVP here! THE TENTATIVE AGENDA WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON! ***** Special thanks! The National Stock Exchange - Our Venue Partner!! NSE has launched innovative platforms for SMEs. - "EMERGE", where SME company can raise capital and list themselves and "EMERGE-ITP", where Start-Ups and young companies can get listed without IPO. These platforms play an important role in converging the start-up ecosystem and channelizing risk capital to growing companies. To know more about the platform, visit or write to Follow them on Facebook & Twitter ******

February 28, 2015 at 04:10PM

Believing in Yourself, is the first secret to Success! #athingaday

Believing in Yourself, is the first secret to Success! #athingaday

February 28, 2015 at 10:10AM

Change is the Essential process of all Existence - Spock It's illogical, to say he is No more! #RIPLeonardNimoy

Change is the Essential process of all Existence - Spock It's illogical, to say he is No more! #RIPLeonardNimoy

February 28, 2015 at 09:09AM

Live Long and Prosper! Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek - Spock Vulcan Salute! Have a safe Landing! RIP March 26, 1931 - 27 Feb, 2015

Live Long and Prosper! Leonard Nimoy, Star Trek - Spock
Vulcan Salute! Have a safe Landing!
RIP March 26, 1931 - 27 Feb, 2015

February 28, 2015 at 12:30AM

Friday, 27 February 2015

It takes the Hammer of Persistence, to drive the Nail of Success! #athingaday

It takes the Hammer of Persistence, to drive the Nail of Success! #athingaday

February 27, 2015 at 06:06PM

Give Up, Give In or Give it All you have got! Your Choice! #athingaday

Give Up, Give In or Give it All you have got! Your Choice! #athingaday

February 27, 2015 at 10:10AM

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Hard Work puts you, where good Luck can find you! #athingaday

Hard Work puts you, where good Luck can find you! #athingaday

February 26, 2015 at 06:06PM

The Difference between Who You are and what you Want to be, is What you DO! #athingaday

The Difference between Who You are and what you Want to be, is What you DO! #athingaday

February 26, 2015 at 10:10AM

Everyone can Do Something - Mother Teresa~ #athingaday

Everyone can Do Something - Mother Teresa~ #athingaday

February 26, 2015 at 08:08AM

Ok, so the EGG Came First!!! What??? #DilemmaResolved #athingaday

February 26, 2015 at 01:48AM via Facebook

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

A brief(ish) look at the long history of Thought and Innovation which have led us to the dawn of the data age! BIG!

A Brief History of Big Data Everyone Should Read

The history of Big Data as a term may be brief – but many of the foundations it is built on were laid long ago.Long before computers (as we know them today) were commonplace, the idea that we were creating an ever-expanding body of knowledge ripe for analysis was popular in academia.Although it migh…

February 25, 2015 at 10:55PM

So, Do you know what's your Hook ?

What Interviewers REALLY Think During Job Interviews

In the best job interviews the candidate says a lot and the interviewer very little – after all, the interview is about the candidate, not the interviewer.But there are some things interviewers would love to tell job candidates well before the interview starts.1. “I really want you to stand out.”…

February 25, 2015 at 10:52PM

What Do you Think about this ?

February 25, 2015 at 06:31PM via Facebook

There's no Reason to look Back, when you have so much to look Forward to. - Zig Ziglar~ #athingaday

There's no Reason to look Back, when you have so much to look Forward to. - Zig Ziglar~ #athingaday

February 25, 2015 at 06:06PM

Your Best Teacher, is your Last Mistake! #athingaday

Your Best Teacher, is your Last Mistake! #athingaday

February 25, 2015 at 01:30PM

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

The only way to do Great work is to Love what you Do! Steve Jobs~ #HappyBirthDaySteve

The only way to do Great work is to Love what you Do! Steve Jobs~ #HappyBirthDaySteve

February 24, 2015 at 08:20PM

DigiLocker which is the national Digital Locker System Launched by Govt. of India!

DigiLocker which is the national Digital Locker System Launched by Govt. of India can be accessed at
It can also be accessed through and
Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY) Ministry of Communications & IT, Government of India 
#Info #IMP #Update 

Following are the key features of the DigiLocker
For Residents
i. Digital Locker of each resident is linked to their Aadhaar number
ii. 10MB of free space in the locker to securely store resident documents and store links (URI) of Govt. department or agency issued e-documents. The storage space allocation will be increased to 1GB in subsequent release.
iii. eSign online service to digitally sign the documents online without using dongle. For details please refer to the e-Sign brochure available on the portal.
iv. Sharing of e-documents online with any registered requester agency or department
v. Download eAadhaar .
vi. List of issuers which have issued e-documents to residents and list of requesters which have accessed resident’s documents.

For Issuers
i. Facility to upload e-documents in a standard XML format in the digital locker repository or repositories and push e-document URI in the resident’s digital locker
For Requesters
i. Secure access to documents in repository or in digital locker For other details on digital locker please refer to digital locker writeup and presentation on the portal It will minimize the use of physical documents. It will provide authenticity of the e-documents and thereby eliminating usage of fake documents. It will provide secure access to Govt. issued documents. It will reduce administrative overhead of Govt. departments and agencies and make it easy for the residents to receive services

What is DigiLocker?
Dedicated personal storage space, linked to each resident’s Aadhaar number. DigiLocker can be used to securely store e-documents as well as store Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) link of e-documents issued by various issuer departments.
The e-Sign facility provided as part of DigiLocker system can be used to digitally sign e-documents.

How does DigiLocker work?
To Sign-up for the DigiLocker you need to have an Aadhaar number and a mobile number registered with Aadhaar. Please type your Aadhaar number in the text box against “Please enter UID” and enter the characters as displayed in the captcha code. After clicking signup button, an OTP (One Time Password) will be sent by UIDAI to the mobile number and email-id registered with your Aadhaar. Enter the OTP and click on „Validate OTP‟ button. Once the OTP is validated the sign up and login is complete.

How it is going to help me?
It will minimize the use of physical documents and will provide authenticity of the e-documents It will provide secure access to Govt. issued documents. It will also reduce administrative overhead of Govt. departments and agencies and make it easy for the residents to receive services

You can click on ‘DigiLocker Feedback Forum’ on the DigiLocker website to provide any suggestions or feedback.
Send your queries to :
Digisign Brochure :

February 24, 2015 at 06:55PM

Of all Strategies, knowing when to Quit may be the Best! - Chinese Proverb #athingaday

Of all Strategies, knowing when to Quit may be the Best! - Chinese Proverb #athingaday

February 24, 2015 at 06:06PM

The reason we Struggle with Insecurity is because, We compare our Behind the Scenes, with everyone else’s Highlight Reel – Steven Furtick~ #athingaday

The reason we Struggle with Insecurity is because, We compare our Behind the Scenes, with everyone else’s Highlight Reel – Steven Furtick~ #athingaday

February 24, 2015 at 10:10AM

Monday, 23 February 2015

The Fool didn’t know it was Impossible, so he did it – Unknown #athingaday

The Fool didn’t know it was Impossible, so he did it – Unknown #athingaday

February 23, 2015 at 06:06PM

The Movement of my Thought Interests me more than the thought itself – Pablo Picasso #athingaday

The Movement of my Thought Interests me more than the thought itself – Pablo Picasso #athingaday

February 23, 2015 at 10:10AM

Sunday, 22 February 2015

A Clear Rejection is Always Better, than a Fake Promise!! #athingaday

A Clear Rejection is Always Better, than a Fake Promise!! #athingaday

February 22, 2015 at 06:06PM

No One says its Just a Game, when on the Winning Side!!! If you are a Gamer! This would Resonate!

8 unforgettable moments Ragnarok left us

Last Friday, 13th February, Level Up Games has announced that the Philippine Ragnarok Online servers will be shut down on 31st March. Ragnarok Online was one of the most monumental games in Philippine gaming history. Being the first widely played Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)…

February 22, 2015 at 02:32PM

The expectation that Success is the same as Popularity is still with us. The only way to be Important is to be Relevant, Focused and Specific. Seth Godin~ #athingaday

The expectation that Success is the same as Popularity is still with us. The only way to be Important is to be Relevant, Focused and Specific. Seth Godin~ #athingaday

February 22, 2015 at 10:10AM