TheRodinhoods Mumbai Open House in March 2015 on The Rodinhoods
TheRodinhoods Open Houses started off as an every Friday evening informal get together of 4-10 entrepreneurs at Alok's g2w office conference room in Mumbai. Gradually the numbers increased and the venue changed. In the spirit of "may a million entrepreneurs bloom"... TheRodinhoods Open Houses extend to different cities including Delhi & Bangalore. This will be our FIRST TRHS Mumbai Open House of 2015!! Details: Venue: NSE - National Stock Exchange Ground Floor, Exchange Plaza Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 +91 22 2659 8100 It's the first corner building right before the curve of Asian Heart Institute hospital, on the opposite side. Pay and park is a few buildings away, ample parking available. Please use rear entry for the auditorium. Pls carry any Photo ID for security purposes at the entrance. THIS IS A FREE EVENT!! Open to all! Everyone is Welcome! There is NO registration. Simply RSVP here! THE TENTATIVE AGENDA WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON! ***** Special thanks! The National Stock Exchange - Our Venue Partner!! NSE has launched innovative platforms for SMEs. - "EMERGE", where SME company can raise capital and list themselves and "EMERGE-ITP", where Start-Ups and young companies can get listed without IPO. These platforms play an important role in converging the start-up ecosystem and channelizing risk capital to growing companies. To know more about the platform, visit or write to Follow them on Facebook & Twitter ******
February 28, 2015 at 04:10PM