Saturday, 17 November 2018

Keep your Fears to Yourself, 👊✌ . but Share your Courage with Others.👌👍✅ . Robert Louis Stevenson~ . #athingaday #Fear #Yourself #Share #Courage #Others #Inspire #Leader #Example

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Darshan Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) | Twitter

For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping 🐥 here... @Dare2Bare Saturday

The latest Tweets from Darshan Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare). Dare2Bare™ Always!! #BusinessSmith~ #Founder @FineDirsSolnsz #Listener #Consultant #Advisor #Entrepreneur #ImpleMentor #ReSourcer #TroubleShooter #athingaday. Mumbai India

NASA, Northrop Grumman Launch Space Station, National Lab Cargo

NASA, Northrop Grumman Launch Space Station, National Lab Cargo November 17, 2018: Northrop Grumman's Cygnus spacecraft is on its way to the International Space Station with about 7,400 pounds of cargo after launching at 4:01 a.m. EST Saturday from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. #NASA #Trending #News

Northrop Grumman's Cygnus spacecraft is on its way to the International Space Station with about 7,400 pounds of cargo after launching at 4:01 a.m. EST Saturday from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility on Virginia’s Eastern Shore.

Antares Seen from Washington D.C. Tidal Basin November 17, 2018 via NASA ​The Northrop Grumman Antares rocket, with Cygnus resupply spacecraft onboard, is seen above the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC, on Nov. 17, 2018. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

The Tarantula Nebula November 17, 2018 via NASA The Tarantula Nebula, also known as 30 Doradus, is more than a thousand light-years in diameter, a giant star forming region within nearby satellite galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud. About 180 thousand light-years away, it's the largest, most violent star forming region known in the whole Local Group of galaxies. The cosmic arachnid sprawls across this spectacular view, composed with narrowband filter data centered on emission from ionized hydrogen atoms. Within the Tarantula (NGC 2070), intense radiation, stellar winds and supernova shocks from the central young cluster of massive stars, cataloged as R136, energize the nebular glow and shape the spidery filaments. Around the Tarantula are other star forming regions with young star clusters, filaments, and blown-out bubble-shaped clouds. In fact, the frame includes the site of the closest supernova in modern times, SN 1987A, left of center. The rich field of view spans about 1 degree or 2 full moons, in the southern constellation Dorado. But were the Tarantula Nebula closer, say 1,500 light-years distant like the local star forming Orion Nebula, it would take up half the sky. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Honest Feelings, and Bad Timing...👌😇 . make for the Most, Painful Combinations!✌👍✅ . #athingaday #Honest #Feelings #Bad #Timing #Painful #Combination

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Saturday at November 17, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Saturday at November 17, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru

National Space Council Gets Report on Human Spaceflight

National Space Council Gets Report on Human Spaceflight in Low-Earth Orbit November 16, 2018: NASA and the Departments of State and Commerce have submitted a report to the National Space Council outlining future opportunities and challenges for human spaceflight in low-Earth orbit (LEO), and its potential economic contributions to the broader field of exploration. #NASA #Trending #News

NASA and the Departments of State and Commerce have submitted a report to the National Space Council outlining future opportunities and challenges for human spaceflight in low-Earth orbit (LEO), and its potential economic contributions to the broader field of exploration.

NASA to Host Media Call on Agency's Next Mars Rover Landing Site

NASA to Host Media Call on Agency's Next Mars Rover Landing Site November 16, 2018: NASA will host a media teleconference at noon EST Monday, Nov. 19, to provide details about the Mars 2020 rover’s landing site on the Red Planet. #NASA #Trending #News

NASA will host a media teleconference at noon EST Monday, Nov. 19, to provide details about the Mars 2020 rover’s landing site on the Red Planet.

Friday, 16 November 2018

A Scar That the Woolsey Fire Left Behind November 15, 2018 via NASA In the wake of a fire, a burn scar appears which takes a long time to heal. This scar is from the Woolsey fire which has taken its toll around Thousand Oaks, California. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, and Enjoyable Weekend! 👌 Cheers !! 👍😊👊 Friday

Wishing Everyone a Very Happy, and Enjoyable Weekend! 👌 Cheers !! 👍😊👊 Friday
Darshan Bhambiru

Listen with Curiosity, Speak with Honesty, Act with Integrity! The greatest Problem with Communication is, we don’t Listen to Understand. We Listen to Reply. When we Listen with Curiosity, we don’t Listen with the Intent to Reply. But for what’s Behind Words! . Roy T. Bennett~ . #athingaday #Curiosity #Honesty #Integrity #Listen #Understand #Intent

Via Darshan Bhambiru

The Hill, The Moon, and Saturn November 16, 2018 via NASA Last Sunday when the Moon was young its sunlit crescent hung low near the western horizon at sunset. With strong earthshine it was joined by Saturn shining in the early evening sky for a beautiful conjunction visible to skygazers around our fair planet. On that clear evening on a hill near Veszprem, Hungary mother, daughter, bright planet, and young Moon are framed in this quiet night skyscape taken with a telephoto lens. Of course the Moon ages too quickly for some, and by tonight the sunlit part has reached its first quarter phase. This weekend skygazers spending quality time under Moon and stars might expect to see the annual rain of comet dust otherwise known as the Leonid meteor shower. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

If you want to Tell people the Truth, 🙄 make them Laugh. 😳 ... Otherwise, they'll Kill you!😨✌ . Oscar Wilde~ . #athingaday #Tell #Truth #Joke #Laugh #Funny #Honest

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Friday at November 16, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Friday at November 16, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru

NASA Receives Eighth Consecutive Clean Financial Audit Opinion

NASA Receives Eighth Consecutive Clean Financial Audit Opinion November 15, 2018: NASA has received an unmodified audit opinion on its Fiscal Year 2018 financial statements, marking the eight consecutive "clean" opinion from an external auditor – the highest opinion that may be received. #NASA #Trending #News

NASA has received an unmodified audit opinion on its Fiscal Year 2018 financial statements, marking the eight consecutive "clean" opinion from an external auditor – the highest opinion that may be received.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Finding an Elusive Star Behind a Supernova November 15, 2018 via NASA Located 65 million light-years away ia a blue supergiant star that once existed inside a cluster of young stars in the spiral galaxy NGC 3938, as shown in this artist's concept. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Never tell the Truth to People, 👌✌ ... who are not Worthy of it!👍✅😇 . Mark Twain~ . #athingaday #Never #Tell #Truth #Unworthy #Value #Understanding

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Darshan Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) | Twitter

For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping 🐥 here... @Dare2Bare Thursday

The latest Tweets from Darshan Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare). Dare2Bare™ Always!! #BusinessSmith~ #Founder @FineDirsSolnsz #Listener #Consultant #Advisor #Entrepreneur #ImpleMentor #ReSourcer #TroubleShooter #athingaday. Mumbai India

GSLV MkIII-D2 successfully launches GSAT-29 India’s GSAT-29 communication satellite was successfully launched by the second developmental flight of Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle MarkIII (GSLV MkIII-D2) on Wednesday, 14th November, 2018 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) SHAR, Sriharikota. #ISRO GSLV MkIII-D2 lifted off from the Second Launch Pad of SDSC SHAR at 17:08 hours (IST), carrying the 3423-kg GSAT-29 satellite. About 17 minutes later, the vehicle injected the satellite into the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) as planned. After injection, ISRO’s Master Control Facility at Hassan has assumed the control of the satellite. In the coming days, three orbit raising manoeuvers will be executed to position the satellite in the Geostationary Orbit at its designated location. GSLV Mk III is a three-stage heavy lift launch vehicle developed by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO).

Via Darshan Bhambiru

International Team/NASA Make Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice

International Team, NASA Make Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice November 14, 2018: An international team of researchers, including a NASA glaciologist, has discovered a large Meteorite Impact Crater hiding beneath more than a half-mile of ice in northwest Greenland. #NASA #Trending #News International Team/NASA Make Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice An international team of researchers, including a NASA glaciologist, has discovered a large meteorite impact crater hiding beneath more than a half-mile of ice in northwest Greenland.

An international team of researchers, including a NASA glaciologist, has discovered a large meteorite impact crater hiding beneath more than a half-mile of ice in northwest Greenland.

Darkness cannot Drive out Darkness... Only Light can do that! 👌😇 . Hate cannot drive out Hate, Only Love can do that! 👍✅✌ . Martin Luther King Jr.~ . #athingaday #Darkness #Light #Hate #Love #Drive #Out

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Northrop Grumman's Antares Rocket on the Pad November 14, 2018 via NASA The Northrop Grumman Antares rocket, with Cygnus spacecraft onboard, is seen on Pad-0A, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018 at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Thursday at November 15, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Thursday at November 15, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru

International Team/NASA Make Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice

International Team, NASA Make Unexpected Discovery Under Greenland Ice November 14, 2018: An international team of researchers, including a NASA glaciologist, has discovered a large meteorite impact crater hiding beneath more than a half-mile of ice in northwest Greenland. #NASA #Trending #News

An international team of researchers, including a NASA glaciologist, has discovered a large meteorite impact crater hiding beneath more than a half-mile of ice in northwest Greenland.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Northop Grumman's Antares Rocket on the Pad November 14, 2018 via NASA The Northrop Grumman Antares rocket, with Cygnus spacecraft onboard, is seen on Pad-0A, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018 at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

One Dilemma has 3 Options, 👌 so choose Wisely! ... (Yes, No, Maybe) 😇👍✅ . #athingaday #Dilemma #Options #Choice #Wise #Yes #No #Maybe

Via Darshan Bhambiru

The Cave Nebula in Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Sulfur November 14, 2018 via NASA What's inside this cosmic cave? A stellar nursery 10 light-years deep. The featured skyscape is dominated by dusty Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. In the telescopic image, data taken through a narrowband filters tracks the nebular glow of hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, colors that together form the Hubble Palette. About 2,400 light-years away, the scene lies along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus. Astronomical explorations of the region reveal that it has formed at the boundary of the massive Cepheus B molecular cloud and the hot, young stars of the Cepheus OB 3 association. The bright rim of ionized hydrogen gas is energized by radiation from the hot stars, dominated by the bright star just to the left of the cave entrance. Radiation driven ionization fronts are likely triggering collapsing cores and new star formation within. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

People Inspire you, 👊 or they Drain you...👌 . Pick them Wisely! 😇👍✅ . Hans F Hansen~ . #athingaday #People #Inspire #Drain #Choose #Wisely

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Wednesday at November 14, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Wednesday at November 14, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru

NASA Brings Mars Landing, First in Six Years, to Viewers Everywhere

NASA Brings Mars Landing, First in Six Years, to Viewers Everywhere Nov. 26 November 13, 2018: NASA's Mars Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander is scheduled to touch down on the Red Planet at approximately 3 p.m. EST Nov. 26, and viewers everywhere can watch coverage of the event live on NASA Television, the agency's website and social media platforms. #NASA #Trending #News

NASA's Mars Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander is scheduled to touch down on the Red Planet at approximately 3 p.m. EST Nov. 26, and viewers everywhere can watch coverage of the event live on NASA Television, the agency's website and social...

New York Students to Speak with Astronaut Aboard Space Station

New York Students to Speak with Astronaut Aboard Space Station November 13, 2018: NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor, currently orbiting Earth as part of the International Space Station’s Expedition 57 crew, will answer questions from students at New York’s University Prep Charter High School at 11:05 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16. #NASA #Trending #News

NASA astronaut Serena Auñón-Chancellor, currently orbiting Earth as part of the International Space Station’s Expedition 57 crew, will answer questions from students at New York’s University Prep Charter High School at 11:05 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16.

NASA to Broadcast Administrator’s Welcome for Orion’s European Powerho

NASA to Broadcast Administrator’s Welcome for Orion’s European Powerhouse November 13, 2018: NASA is hosting an event at its Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 9 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16, to celebrate the arrival of the European Service Module for the agency’s Orion spacecraft. #NASA #Trending #News

NASA is hosting an event at its Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 9 a.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16, to celebrate the arrival of the European Service Module for the agency’s Orion spacecraft.

🌹 Happy Children's Day! 🌹 Bring out the Child in You EveryDay! 👶👌 Wish You Many Happy Returns Of the Day!!! Jawaharlal Nehru 🎂🍰🍫🍩🍭🎊🎉🎁🎈🍾 #athingaday #ChildrensDay

Via Darshan Bhambiru

NASA to Air Launch of Russian Cargo Ship, Docking at Space Station

NASA to Air Launch of Russian Cargo Ship, Docking at International Space Station November 13, 2018: Loaded with almost three tons of food, fuel and supplies, a Russian Progress cargo spacecraft is scheduled to launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 1:14 p.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16 (12:14 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, Baikonur time), to resupply the International Space Station. #NASA #Trending #News

Loaded with almost three tons of food, fuel and supplies, a Russian Progress cargo spacecraft is scheduled to launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan at 1:14 p.m. EST Friday, Nov. 16 (12:14 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, Baikonur time), to resupply the International Space Station.

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Raging Six-Day-Old Camp Fire Reaches 125,000 Acres in Size November 13, 2018 via NASA The six day old Camp Fire has already attained the unfortunate title of California's deadliest fire. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

One should always be wary, of anyone...🙄 Objective with regards to the Subject in question, 🤔 . Rather than be Subjective, with any regards to the Object.😇👍✌ . #athingaday #Wary #Anyone #Objective #Subject #Subjective #Object #Question

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Darshan Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare) | Twitter

For the Twitterrati, Check out the Chirping 🐥 here... @Dare2Bare Tuesday

The latest Tweets from Darshan Bhambiru (@Dare2Bare). Dare2Bare™ Always!! #BusinessSmith~ #Founder @FineDirsSolnsz #Listener #Consultant #Advisor #Entrepreneur #ImpleMentor #ReSourcer #TroubleShooter #athingaday. Mumbai India

When you Wish Good for Others, ☺ . Good Things come back to you. 👌 . This is the Law Of Nature!👍✅ . #athingaday #Do #Good #Others #Come #Back #You #Law #Nature

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Tuesday at November 13, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Tuesday at November 13, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru

RIP 💐 Stan Lee 💐 (born Stanley Martin Lieber, December 28,1922 – November 12,2018) 😔

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Monday, 12 November 2018

Don't tell me How Hard you work. 🙄✌ . Tell me How Much you get Done!😇✅👍 . James Ling~ . #athingaday #Hard #Work #Get #Done #Smart #Much #ToDo

Via Darshan Bhambiru

The Lagoon Nebula is Stars, Gas, and Dust November 12, 2018 via NASA The majestic Lagoon Nebula is filled with hot gas and the home for many young stars. Spanning 100 light years across while lying only about 5000 light years distant, the Lagoon Nebula is so big and bright that it can be seen without a telescope toward the constellation of the Archer (Sagittarius). Many bright stars are visible from NGC 6530, an open cluster that formed in the nebula only several million years ago. The greater nebula, also known as M8 and NGC 6523, is named "Lagoon" for the band of dust seen to the left of the open cluster's center. The featured image was taken in three colors with details are brought out by light emitted by Hydrogen Star formation continues in the Lagoon Nebula as witnessed by the many dark dust-laden globules that exist there. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

The 👀 Eye only Sees ... . what the Mind is Ready to Comprehend! . #athingaday #Eye #See #Mind #Prepared #Comprehend #Understanding

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Monday at November 12, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Monday at November 12, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Coming together is a Beginning; 👌 Keeping together is Progress; 👊 Working together is Success! 👍 . Edward Everett Hale~ . #athingaday #Coming #Beginning #Keeping #Progress #Working #Success #Together

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Astronaut Exploring: An Apollo 15 Panorama November 11, 2018 via NASA What would it be like to explore the Moon? NASA's Apollo missions gave humans just this chance in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In particular, the Apollo 15 mission was dedicated to better understanding the surface of the Moon by exploring mountains, valleys, maria, and highlands. Astronauts David Scott and James Irwin spent nearly three days on the Moon while Alfred Worden orbited above in the Command Module. The mission, which blasted off from Earth on 1971 July 26, was the first to deploy a Lunar Roving Vehicle. Pictured in this digitally stitched mosaic panorama, David Scott, exploring his surroundings, examines a boulder in front of the summit of Mt. Hadley Delta. The shadow of James Irwin is visible to the right, while scrolling to the right will reveal a well-lit and diverse lunar terrain. The Apollo 15 mission returned about 76 kilograms of moon rocks for detailed study. In the future, NASA and other space agencies plan to continue to lead humanity's exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond. #NASA

Via Darshan Bhambiru

The Best way, to Predict the Future is to Create it! . Abraham Lincoln~ . #athingaday #Best #Way #Predict #Future #Create

Via Darshan Bhambiru

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Sunday at November 11, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌

Another Day! Good Morning!! It's Sunday at November 11, 2018 at 07:00AM !!! Don't forget to Eat your Breakfast Guys! :) 🍵 👌
Darshan Bhambiru